The following elements are included:

A Basic Personnel Policy

Job Descriptions, Orientation Checklists and Workplan /Appraisals for these positions:

– General Manager

– Administration Supervisor

– Operations Supervisor

– Senior Optician

– Optician

An Employee Career and Training Plan form.

A Duty Roster Form.

Blank forms for future use.

An Implementation Guide to explain how to set up the program and fine tune the documents to match your needs.

Program Guidelines to explain the appraisal process, scoring and conducting of appraisal interviews.

This package includes the tasks and duties in a typical Optician /Optical Shop. Please edit the Personnel Policy to ensure it complies with your state or provincial regulations. In the event that your business has a different structure, simply re-allocate tasks and responsibilities and revise Job Descriptions, Orientation Checklists and Workplan / Appraisals to match; also adjust Appraisal points as required. The templates provided will make allocating tasks convenient.

Buy the Optical Clinic Package for $849.00 CDN.