In the Introduction of my new book, PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT, one of the objectives discussed is, how do we create a productive team? Stephen R. Covey, in his book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, uses Aesop’s fable of the goose and the golden egg to illustrate the relationship between Production and Production Capability. He calls it the P/PC balance. 14 subsequent short chapters then explain the areas needing attention to help achieve that balance. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT, available on Amazon and Kindle.
In the first Section of my new book, PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT, there are 14 answers to the simple question, “WHY do we need a Performance Management program for our organization”? Chapter 1 looks at the need for continuous improvement (standing still is not an option). We must learn from others, then develop a strategy for continuous learning. We must learn from others, because none of us will live long enough to make all the mistakes ourselves! As Peter Drucker said, ” “Strategy is a commodity, execution is an art.” The second step then, is to have a team that artfully executes that strategy. Mr. Drucker also said, “Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.” That means it’s best to have a superior team. The Chapter on Recruiting and Hiring will help you with that.