In our last post we discussed the fact that Biometric Identification, while appearing to be a more secure system, also has its limitations since once added to a computer database it becomes digitized just like a credit card or Social Insurance Number.

Jake Stroup, in an article for “the balance”, points out that biometric identification has its own limitations.  For example, “You may be able to get a new credit card in two weeks once you have all the information to the bank or credit issuing authority, but who will issue you a new set of fingerprints to replace the stolen ones?”

He also points out that a smile can distort facial features – the reason why we’re told mot to smile and show teeth in a driver’s license or passport photo.  “But the biggest consideration is that a biometric identity system is only going to be as good as the information that’s put into it in the first place.  In other words, your fingerprint won’t tell anyone who you are, all it can do is keep you from using somebody else’s identity once you are in the system.  In fact, identity theft expert John Sileo said, ‘If we implement biometrics without doing our due diligence on protecting the identity, we are doomed to repeat history – and our thumbprint will become just another Social Security Number.'”

The message is simple – Biometric Identification has some benefits, but don’t let it give you a false sense of security.

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