Welcome to the Do-It-Yourself version of our Performance Planning Program.

This version provides you with the tools you need to develop and implement the complete program yourself, whether you’re an Owner or Manager of a Business or Organization.  All the Forms, Implementation Guidelines and Appraisal Procedures are included.  There is a Module for each of the seven elements in the complete DIY version.

Module 1 is FREE; each of the other Modules may be purchased individually. You can also purchased the entire bundle for $599.00 CDN .

The Modules are organized as follows:

Module 1 – Program Overview

This FREE Module outlines what the Performance Planning Program is, the features and benefits of such a program and how they can assist you in meeting objectives, the importance of Mission, Vision and Values Statements, as well as Short Term Objectives and the Organizational Chart.
Price: FREE

Proceed to Module 1 Page

Module 2 – Personnel Policy

This Module provides a Basic Personnel Policy with sections on Employee Responsibilities, Customer Relations, General Terms and Conditions, Computer / Internet Use, Personal Information Protection and Discipline (Major and Minor violations).
Price: $189.00 CDN.

Proceed to Module 2 Page

Module 3 – The Hiring Process

This Module is based on a seminar we call “Hire for HIPPA, Train for Skill”.  The seminar is about one hour in length, but is condensed in script form for this program.  Your business or organization will be most successful if you have the right employees in the right positions.  This Hiring Module helps you achieve the best job match.
Price: $79.00 CDN

Proceed to Module 3 Page

Module 4 – Job Descriptions

This Module provides you with the tools to develop a Job Description for each position and involves input from existing employees.  This process reduces the amount of management time in Job Description development and also assists with staff “buy-in”, because they are participating in that development.
Price: $119.00 CDN

Proceed to Module 4 Page

Module 5 – Orientation Checklists

This Module uses the same information as that used for the Job Descriptions.  It provides a checklist for each position, for use with new hires, to help ensure that key duties and responsibilities are introduced.  It helps ensure that those new hires have the ability to perform tasks up to your minimum standards prior to the end of the probationary period.
Price: $49.00 CDN

Proceed to Module 5

Module 6 – Workplan / Appraisals

This Module provides the forms for use in setting, then evaluating, employee tasks and responsibilities, and their performance of them.  Two different forms are included – one for use with Management staff and one for use with all other employees.  Guidelines for scoring Appraisals is included.
Price: $169.00 CDN

Proceed to Module 6

Module 7 – Completing the Package

This Module includes documents that will assist you in developing the program, assisting with employee engagement and delegating minor tasks.  Documents include an Employee Career and Training Plan Form and a Duty Roster form.
Price: $29.00 CDN

Proceed to Module 7